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Last updated
Proposals are one of the core governance tools on Upstream. Using this tool, your DAO can execute 20+ different commands, from adding new members to sending ETH to a wallet. Creating proposals is an easy, step-by-step process that will be used to take action on anything needed on your DAO.
The easiest way to create a proposal, is using the "Create Proposal" button in the home page of your DAO:
Once you select the "Create Proposal" button, you will be asked to choose a category to help find the commands required for your proposal:
Assets: Commands to manage the ETH, tokens, and assets in the treasury of the collective.
Members: Commands to add, remove and manage membership settings in the collective.
Settings: Commands to update settings of the collective.
Signators: Commands to assign or remove signators.
Wallets: Commands to link and unlink wallets
After selecting the appropriate category, you will find a set of commands to choose from to draft your proposal. You may select as many commands as you'd like. For more details on each command, you can go here. For a short list, please see below:
Send Ether
Disburse Ether
Send Tokens
Transfer Assets
Add Member
Remove Member
Disable or Enable Membership Approval Requirement
Disable or Enable Membership Requests
Remove All Zero Balance Members
Change Exchange Rate
Enable or Disable Withdrawals
Change Quorum
Remove Signature Requirement to Vote
Change Voting Privacy
Disable or Enable Contributions (ETH)
Change Minimum Signators
Change Minimum ETH Contribution
Call Remote Contract
Change Token Transferability
Designate Signator
Remove Signator
Change Minimum Signators
Link Wallet
Unlink Wallet
Each command requires a different set of inputs. Depending on the command type, this may be a wallet address (if you are sending ETH) or a quorum percentage (if you are updating quorum requirements). For more details on the input required on each command, please refer to this page.
The last step of your proposal will require written details about your proposal. You will need to select a title, a short but descriptive title of your proposal. Write a detailed proposal description (make sure to be very clear on what you are proposing that needs to be changed and why you think it is a good idea.) And lastly you will need to set a voting duration.
We recommend setting the voting duration to a timeframe to ensure your members will have enough time to vote! If there are times that your DAO needs to pass a proposal promptly, ensure that you communicate and remind your DAO members to vote using your preferred communication methods
If you are looking to update settings, you can also create proposals to do so in the "Setting" section of your DAO. Next to all modifiable settings, you will have a "Change" button. Clicking this button will start a proposal for you! All you'll need is the title, description and duration as for any proposal on the Upstream platform.